Eevia Health: Pure and Potent Pine Bark Extract

Unlocking the Secrets of Nature’s Bounty At Eevia Health, we are deeply committed to harnessing the power of nature to support well-being. Our dedication to health is reflected in our meticulous selection of plant-based extracts, each chosen for their potential to assist the body’s natural restorative processes. We understand that sometimes the body requires a […]


Eevia Health: Your Partner in Health and Wellness

Unlocking the Power of Plant-Based Support When it comes to maintaining optimal health, the synergy between nature and science is undeniable. We at Eevia Health are dedicated to harnessing this powerful relationship through the development of bioactive plant extracts. Our focus is on providing natural support that may assist the body’s own healing processes. With […]


Boost Metabolic Health Naturally with Plant Extracts

Unlocking the Power of Nature Our modern lifestyles often put a strain on our metabolic health, leading many to seek natural ways to support their body’s balance. We at Eevia Health believe in harnessing the power of nature to provide that support. Our commitment to well-being is rooted in the use of bioactive plant extracts, […]


Welcome to the team, Sara and Anais!

Last week we got two additions to our team: Sara and Anais. We are happy to see our company grow, and believe they have a lot of skills and knowledge we can use as an asset. We let them introduce themselves with a few words: Sara Vähätalo, Customer Manager “I wanted to join Eevia Health’s […]