Eevia Health entered cooperation with United States Pharmacopeia
Eevia Health Oy has initiated a cooperation with the United States Pharmacopeia, which includes the target to launch own monographs for the extracts from the Nordic pine (pinus sylvestris), from lingonberry (vaccinium vitis-Idaea) and chaga (inonotus obliquus).
The Unites States Pharmacopeia (USP) is also interested in investigating new modern advanced analytical methods for the characterization and compositional alanysis of proanthocyanidin rich compounds, such as lingonberry extracts, which Eevia Health Oy manufactures. USP promotes the use of chemical “fingerprints” to provide exact identification of the origin of nutraceutical products. Eevia Health Oy has engaged several world leading experts on advanced analytical methods, such as the UPLC-QTOF, MALDI-QTOF and NMR, for the purpose of contributing to this cooperation. These efforts will also a very precise global molecular characterization of Eevia Health Oy products, which will be used in combination with further research on the health effects from consuming these products.